Wednesday, August 02, 2006


see how little i've changed, maybe just my skin color n abit of arm size.

and look at her, 女大十八变..

haha. 3 years and i'm still skinny, a lil taller, much less tanned.

what is wrong with me!?!

i'm having a great week. the main reason being attachment ending, there is liberty man!! no more bond with NCS!!! woohoo. A+ for attachment man! no doubt!!!

i believe doors have been opened, not by myself, but by God.

Thank u Jesus! =)

anyway, i bought the Reuben Morgan CD, the songs are amazing, sounds secular but yet, all of them are songs full of worship and praise!!! number 1 worship leader!!! oh ya, i got his signature as well , shook da hand, but, didn't take any pic :'( shall do that the next time he comes!!!

rest for now. great weekend ahead.

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